Large detached house on Green Belt site may be demolished


A LARGE, detached house standing in its own grounds on a Green Belt site at Lymm will be demolished and replaced by a new property “designed with 21st century living in mind” – if Warrington planners give the go-ahead.

The houses is in The Avenue – a tree-lined cul-de-sac near Lymm Dam and local beauty spot The Bongs.
Planning consent already exists for two outbuildings within the grounds, one for a swimming pool and gymnasium and the other for a garage and office.
But a report submitted to the borough council’s planning department says the proposed new dwelling would be aesthetically far more sympathetic to the street scene and would have far less impact on the openness of the Green Belt
The piecemeal additions already approved would result in a house far less appealing which would detract from neighbouring properties. The improved design of the house now proposed would be more respectful to a countryside setting, resulting in a single new built development in one area of the overall site rather than a group of spread-out buildings across the whole site.

It would be far more economical to build a new house from the ground up inclusive of new sustainable build materials and technologies than to retro-fit the current house which was internally very dated and not practical for modern day family living.
The new property would use the existing access and there would be parking within the grounds.
There would be a 35 per cent reduction in the footprint of the new building when compared with the old, including the approved outbuildings and extensions.
Planning officers are now considering the proposals.


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