More than 500 registrations so far for Solar Together Warrington


The Solar Together Cheshire and Warrington scheme launched at the end of August has already generated considerable local interest from residents and businesses across Warrington.

So far more than 500 registrations have been received for the scheme from Warrington alone, and over 2,800 have registered from across Cheshire.
The group buying scheme aims to make purchasing solar panels and batteries more accessible and affordable than if residents were to individually buy solar panels on their own. It includes options for solar panels, solar panels with battery storage, and even EV charge points. For those who have already invested in solar panels and are looking to get more from the renewable energy they generate, there is also a retrofit battery storage option.

Cllr Janet Henshaw, cabinet member for sustainability and climate change, said: “The Solar Together Cheshire and Warrington scheme provides residents a potentially more affordable and straightforward route to installing solar panels on their properties.
“It’s fantastic to see that over 500 local people have already registered their interest, a clear signal that people are interested in exploring the opportunity of shifting to renewable energy.
“Installing solar panels is one way that residents can produce their own clean power and reduce their impact on climate change.
“If you are thinking of getting solar panels we would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to explore if group-buying works for you.”

Warrington residents can register their interest for the scheme until the end of October 2023.

For more information about the Solar Together scheme, visit:
To find out other ways you can take climate action, read the Warrington Climate Emergency Strategy or sign up to the new Climate Emergency newsletter.

Group-buying scheme to make solar panels more affordable


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