Torus Housing under scrutiny following call for investigation into “longstanding problems”


OPPOSITION Tories on Warrington Borough Council have called for an investigation into social housing provider Torus following “longstanding problems” and a “significant number of complaints”.

While rejecting a Tory motion calling for an investigation and to set up a Task and Finish Group, Labour members voted to send the issue to Scrutiny and add it to the committee’s work plan, describing the opposition of being “despicable” and “trying to play politics with people’s lives”.

Earlier this week Warrington Borough Council councillors debated the Conservative Motion calling for an investigation into the significant number of complaints connected with Torus Housing Association which, with over 10,000 homes, is the largest housing provider in the town.

Conservative Cllr Val Allen (Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft) proposed the Motion and spoke passionately about the moving accounts from local residents with longstanding problems including cold and damp caused by maintenance issues that are not being properly addressed by Torus. Cllr Allen spoke of the effect that this had on vulnerable residents and how it has left them feeling helpless and frustrated.
Seconding the Motion, Cllr Ken Critchley (Appleton) continued with more examples from his own experience in Appleton and reports from residents. He has sent photographs to the Labour Cabinet member responsible for Planning and Housing which show an example of problems in a home that was suffering from water ingress, damp, and mould. Cllr Critchley said that residents were worried for the health of their family living in those conditions.

Concerning Torus’ repairs for their properties, both Cllr Critchley and Cllr Allen reported that residents described them as “botch-its” and that, in desperation, some tenants were paying for small repairs themselves as the stress of allowing Torus workmen to do the work was too much to bear.
Cllr Critchley also said that in desperation some people were trying to move out of Torus accommodation to other social housing providers. He reported that one resident “who loves Warrington and has lived here for decades”, first with Golden Gates Housing and now with Torus, is being forced to consider moving away.

Leader of the Conservative Group, Cllr Nigel Balding said: “I know that councillors from my Group have been helping. They’ve been working with Torus, WBC and with Citizen’s Advice, but the levels and types of problems brought to councillors suggests that there are organisational issues within Torus. Residents are frightened to complain or go to the press, and this is why an independent investigation is needed to see if changes in culture or work practices at Torus are necessary.”
“Our Motion called for WBC to immediately set up a Task and Finish Group to investigate the problems Warrington residents are experiencing. However, because the council may have limited powers to investigate, the Motion says that Torus should be given an opportunity to support a review. Given the close links between WBC and Torus, we would expect that Torus would want to cooperate fully, enabling a more detailed investigation.”

oppose local fracking

Tory leader Cllr. Nigel Balding

“Our proposed Task and Finish Group would have been open to receive evidence, from all Warrington residents and stakeholders, in public or private, of issues being experienced and suggestions for improvements. It should consider the need to appoint an independent housing expert to lead this work, liaising with Torus to review the organisation where possible. “
“Given the urgency of the matter, our Motion said that the Task and Finish Group would have reported back to the Council with interim findings by the end of 2023, and with final findings and recommendations by 31 March 2024.”
However, at the Council meeting, Labour councillors turned their backs on some of the most vulnerable in Warrington and headed-off any immediate action or accountability by voting to refer the matter to the WBC Scrutiny Committee, which will now meet at an unspecified point in the future.

Commenting on this approach, Cllr. Balding said: “This is extremely disappointing; Labour seems unwilling to tackle this issue as a matter of urgency. Some of the residents impacted by this are some of our most vulnerable and they shouldn’t have to wait for our help.”
“We believe from experience that the Scrutiny Committee, dominated by Labour councillors, makes poor decisions. Apart from the Conservatives, councillors apparently vote together according to the Labour Group policy; they are defensive of WBC and its associated organisations rather than asking challenging questions and being open-minded. Scrutiny Committee meetings are kept short, and we have not yet seen the committee ask for, or take, any independent external evidence.
“Despite this political manoeuvre by Labour, people shouldn’t give up hope. Instead, we are calling on all Torus residents to lobby their borough councillors, asking that the Scrutiny Committee takes this matter seriously. If there is sufficient pressure from residents, the Scrutiny Committee can still act as it should and recommend that WBC sets up an expert-led, independent inquiry of Torus’ services.”


Cllr Janet Henshaw, Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Climate Change

In response to the opposition’s comments Cllr. Janet Henshaw, Cabinet Member for sustainability and climate change said: “It’s despicable that the Conservatives are trying to play politics with people’s lives.
“Sadly, It’s not surprising. It’s typical of the Tories, they are trying to deflect away from their own terrible record in government and the disastrous cost of living crisis they have plunged us all into.
“We know that some registered social housing providers in Warrington have fallen short of what we as a council expect and what our residents expect.
“That’s why we have taken immediate action to refer the matter to Scrutiny Committee. The most appropriate place to handle serious matters of public concern. Where residents, councillors and stakeholders will be able to submit their own evidence and experiences.
“Scrutiny is a public committee, where councillors will be able to hold these providers to account. Councillors will have the opportunity to ask the tough questions that both we and our residents want answers to. And crucially, where our residents will be able to listen to what the social housing providers have to say.
“The matter will be discussed at the next Scrutiny Committee meeting on the 27th of September, where it will be added to the work programme.
“As well as the immediate action taken above, I have initiated a series of regular bi-monthly meetings between council officers, cabinet members, and registered social housing providers.
“This new forum will start in the coming weeks and provide opportunities to raise particular issues with providers and work to address some of our most immediate and pressing concerns.
“I know I speak for all Labour councillors when I say we have a great deal of sympathy for our residents and we only want the best for them.
“The Conservatives are not on the side of hardworking families.
“After 13 years of Tory austerity, the cracks in society are beginning to show. They continue to cut corners and slash funding. We are all paying the price for their negligence.
“The Tories have not invested adequately in social housing. And sadly, this means homelessness is on the rise, overcrowding is on the rise, rent arrears are on the rise and waiting lists are on the rise.
“If they were serious about protecting Warrington’s residents they would be lobbying their government for real changes to the sector and putting forward proper investment into social housing to protect hard working families across our town.”

A Torus Group spokesperson, said: “Torus welcomes the renewal of quarterly liaison meetings with the Borough Council and the opportunity to contribute to a wider discussion regarding housing with Scrutiny Panel. Closer working will build understanding, solve issues in partnership and allay any fears that may be expressed relating to the services we provide.
“Our main priority is to make sure every Torus home is safe, comfortable, and well maintained. Regarding the problems raised with Councillors by Torus tenants cited in the motion, we can confirm that we have been in regular contact with this group of residents for several months and continue to provide ongoing support and guidance on a tenancy-by-tenancy basis. Torus is confident that all requests for home repairs or improvements have been completed, are underway or – in some cases – are dependent upon an occupational therapist assessment.
“We will keep working closely with these residents to ensure any outstanding or new matters raised are fully resolved.”

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About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Obviously the local conservative councillors are touching a nerve on several issues with our labour led council causing unrest amongst them.
    Good keep it up these labour councillors have been getting away with it for far too long !

  2. I’ve lived in a torus property I was at college and volunteering with children… now I can’t look after myself living here has been like a prison I was placed with 3 other flats occupied by class a drug users all violent criminals … all men it’s been so traumatic not to mention the damp mould shitty bother repairs the anti social behaviour the drugs it’s broken me

  3. What about safe for surrounding residents? Torus advertises that they take anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance seriously. However for 2 years I have experienced neighbours of drug use, dog-attacks, stabbings, had my property damaged, verbally abused, attempted break-in and as a non-tenant have been totally ignored. Two years, and I am told the situation will be dealt with. Enforcement officers leave and another reviews the case. Legal action will be taken

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