Residents invited to “working together” event with police chiefs


RESIDENTS in Warrington are being invited to a “Working Together” event to discuss the latest policing issues.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer, Chief Constable Mark Roberts and local Chief Inspector Neil Drum will be present at the event at Warrington Youth Zone, Dallam Lane, Warrington, on Monday, October 16 from 7pm to 8pm.
Members of the public will be able to ask any questions they might have of their local team and senior officers.
You can register your free attendance for the event at Registration must be completed by October 12.

Mr Dwyer said: “Improving public confidence in policing is one of my priorities in my Police and Crime Plan and I want people in Warrington to be confident that their police service is working for them. That’s why I want to give people the chance to hear about what I and my office are doing alongside the Constabulary to make Cheshire even safer and give residents the chance to raise local issues.
“As Commissioner, I am responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective police service for our communities. Through enabling a direct conversation with residents, these public meetings will help to further connect me and the police to the communities we are privileged to serve.”
Chief Constable Mark Roberts said: “Receiving feedback from our communities is vitally important to us so that we can improve the service that we provide the public.
“We police by consent and part of that is listening to our residents and using their feedback to help shape our priorities, particularly at a local level. This in turn helps to support our wider focus of protecting the vulnerable, securing justice for victims, and making Cheshire a hostile environment for criminals.
“I’d encourage as many people as possible to join these events so that, together, we can continue to make Cheshire an even safer place to live and work.”


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