Last chance to have a say on strategic transport plan


TRANSPORT for the North (TfN) is inviting feedback on its revised Strategic Transport Plan (STP) for the North of England which will form the blueprint for investment in the region’s transport system. 

The plan will have major implications for the Warrington area.
But the deadline for having a say on the proposals has arrived – the consultation ends tomorrow (Thursday).
Launched on May 25 the consultation gives people the chance to have their say on the North’s plan for strategic transport infrastructure, which will be analysed and fed into the final STP that will go before the North’s political and business leaders later this year for approval.
The public can find more information on the proposals and take part by visiting the virtual consultation room on Transport for the North’s website.
The revised plan has been updated to reflect a wider set of outcomes the North wants to achieve by 2050, including a clear vision for the region’s transport network. It is supported by three strategic ambitions: transforming economic performance, rapid decarbonisation of the transport network, and significantly reducing transport-related social exclusion.

A key priority for TfN is ensuring that investment addresses the extent to which access to transport – both in terms of availability and affordability – continues to be a barrier to individuals realising their potential.
Lord McLoughlin, chairman of Transport for the North, said: “Better connectivity is absolutely essential to the long-term economic success of our region, and we want to see a transport network that works for everyone in the North.
“We’ve had a fantastic response to our revised Strategic Transport Plan consultation so far, with hundreds of comments received already and there’s still time to respond if you haven’t done so yet. The plan is the North’s voice on strategic transport priorities, so hearing from as many people and businesses as possible across our region is vital.
“We want an efficient, high-quality, interconnected and decarbonisation transport system that connects people and places. Talk to us, share your thoughts on our plan and help us deliver a long-term transport strategy for the North.”
The final Strategic Transport Plan is due to be published early next year and will lay the foundations for the transport infrastructure investment for the North for decades to come.


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