Planning chiefs study retrospective scheme at caravan site


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington are studying retrospective proposals that increase a two pitch traveller site to a mixed use site comprising 16 static caravans and a day room.

The development is at Penkford Lane Caravan Site, Burtonwood, where planning consent for a two pitch traveller site was granted three years ago.

Redevelopment of the site has been carried out, even though it has yet to be given planning permission.
Agents for the applicants argue that the development is on brownfield land and that the proposals have no greater impact on the Green Belt than the previous use – which included buildings, storage units, gas cylinders and concrete surfaces.
Two buildings will be demolished as part of the new proposals, they say.
In addition, there is an under-supply of land for travellers in the borough and the local authority and associated public and private housing providers have failed over an extended period of time to provide social and affordable housing leading to a shortage.
The occupants of the caravans include travellers but also people from the settled community

Access to the site is via an existing opening on to Penkford Lane which does not need altering for the redevelopment of the site.
The applicants argue that it is a sustainable site because it is close to the small settlement of Collins Green and also the border with St Helens, which provide a range of local services.
They claim the proposals will cause no demonstrable harm and that planning permission should be granted.
The retrospective proposals are being considered by borough planning chiefs.
*It is not unlawful to carry out development in advance of planning consent.


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  1. Jacqueline Draycott on

    Re:The caravan site, seeking planning permission in Burtonwood. This site should be allowed to go ahead. For years now we’ve heard that Warrington needs a suitable site for travelers. Everyone is up in arms when they set up their camps in parks etc. and when moved on how much rubbish is left behind. If they had land, purpose built for them, they would have to look after it,! It would be their responsibility!!

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