“Extensions to 18th century farmhouse will improve its character”


PLANS to extend a Listed, 18th century farmhouse will improve the character of the building, Warrington planners have been told.

The development at Tanyard House, Well Lane, Stretton will remove poor quality extensions carried out in the past which detract from the building’s character, the applicant claims.
The two-storey dwelling was formerly a farmhouse likely to have been associated with the tanners at the nearby historic Tanners Cottages.

It represents a good example of a 18th century vernacular farm house and Internally some 18th and 19th century features survive. The building was listed in 1983 at Grade II.
But it has been altered over the years – sometimes not successfully. A lean-to extension from the 1970s is of poor quality and is not of any historical significance.
A 1980s garage building sits to the east of the site separated by domestic garden and a drive.
The proposal is to replace the 1970’s lean-to extension with a two-storey extension and to erect a replacement garage.
The proposals are for a sensitively designed and scaled development appropriate to the historic agricultural character of the building and its setting. They do not have an adverse impact on the ability to appreciate the significance of the listed building., planners have been told
The historic integrity and architectural character and historic interest of the building will not be adversely affected.
Borough council planning officers are now considering the proposals.


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