Supporting young carers over the summer holidays


WARRINGTON Borough Council is working with its partners to promote support services and summer holiday activities to help young carers take a break from their caring responsibilities.

According to new research by Action for Children and the Carers Trust, the majority of young carers (86%) feel more stressed or worried during the school summer holidays than during term-time.
A young carer is someone aged under 18 who has caring responsibilities for a family member – this is usually a parent or sibling who may require additional support due to a disability, illness or mental health issue.
The research also revealed how summer holidays can come with added pressure on young carers, and that over a quarter (26%) of young carers will spend more than 10 hours on a typical day over summer caring for family members.

Young carers typically have to take on more adult responsibilities than other children their age, ranging from household tasks such as cooking and cleaning, to personal care such as helping someone get dressed.
The Warrington Carers Hub is a support service available to young carers in the town. It provides peer support with other young carers and helps them to access additional support in school and college.
Another lifeline to young carers that Warrington Carers Hub provides is by helping them to take a break from their caring role. Over the summer holidays Warrington Carers Hub is hosting a number of fun activities including days out and picnic walks to local attractions such as the Catalyst Museum, Safety Central at Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, and Norton Priory. Young Carers are also invited to book onto the holiday club taking place over the course of the summer holidays at Warrington Youth Zone.

Councillor Paul Warburton, cabinet member for statutory health and social care, said: “Young carers have a lot more responsibilities than most children their age. While over term time these young carers can take some respite in either being at school or after school clubs with their friends, it is clear that over the holidays there is added pressure, which can make it harder for young carers to access support or breaks.
“Summer holidays for children should be a time of relaxation and play, however this isn’t always the case for young carers. I’d like to encourage any young carers to access the support available and take part in some of the fun activities planned by Warrington Carers Hub so that they can take some time to themselves to socialise and have fun with others.

To find out more or to book onto any of the fun activities taking place for young carers, please email [email protected]. All events are free and available for current carers registered with Warrington Carers Hub, or to those whose caring role has ended in the last 12 months.
For young carers who are not currently registered with Warrington Carers Hub, but would like to receive support and attend events, please register by calling 0300 303 0623, or via email [email protected]


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