Peace Foundation is to drop the word “peace” from its title


WARRINGTON’S Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation is to drop the word “peace” from its title.

The change was approved by the charity’s board following a review of its charitable activities and the organisations using its services

A spokesperson said: “Both have changed markedly from our early years in the mid-1990s through to today.
“Although the charity’s support for UK-based victims of terror attacks remains unchanged, there have been considerable changes to where our other work is directed.”
The spokesperson said the focus had moved to:
• Supporting children and young people who are victims, or perpetrators, of violent action and/or extreme patterns of behaviour.
• Violence against women and girls
• Addressing the huge rise in anti-social behaviour.
• Working in communities where racial, religious, or ethnic conflict is evident.
“These changes, along with a greatly reduced focus on political conflict, has resulted in the board’s decision to remove the word ‘peace’ from our title so that it does not act as a barrier to opening pathways to new organisations and new markets.”

The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Centre is located at Peace Drive, Warrington and the foundation was founded in memory of two boys, Tim Parry and Johnathan Ball, who were tragically killed by the IRA bombing in Bridge Street, Warrington in March 1993. The foundation is an independent charity with no political or religious affiliations and works nationally and internationally to support those affected by terrorism and violent conflict.

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