Parliamentary Candidate calls for urgent rethink on ticket office closure plans


LABOUR’S Parliamentary Candidate for Warrington South, Sarah Hall, has called on the Conservatives to scrap proposals to close almost 1,000 ticket offices.

The proposals, which are currently being consulted on, would include the closure of ticket offices at Warrington Bank Quay and Warrington West train stations. The ticket office at Warrington Central is one of a small number proposed to remain open, however if plans go ahead its opening hours will be cut.
Sarah Hall has called the plans extremely concerning and has called on the Government to rethink these disastrous plans.
Ticket offices are frequently used by those who do not have access to mobile phones including those who are older or need additional support due to disabilities. According to industry statistics, more than 180 million journeys were facilitated by ticket offices last year in the UK.

There are a range of products and services available at ticket offices which are not available at Ticket Vending Machines. This includes refunds, disabled persons’ discount, seat reservations, bus connections and many more.
A consultation on the proposals is currently running. Anyone wanting to have their say has until 26 July 2023 to make their views known as below:
A link to the Avanti West Coast consultation affecting Warrington Bank Quay can be found at:
A link to the Northern Trains consultation affecting all other stations in Warrington can be found at:

Sarah Hall said: “These proposals are nothing more than an attempt to cut staff numbers under the guise of ‘modernisation’.
“Not only would the plans mean job losses, I am also concerned about the impact the closures will have on passengers – in terms of accessibility, safety and security.
“The closure of our ticket offices would be disastrous for passengers in general, but particularly for disabled people, the elderly, people with learning difficulties, non-English speakers, and many more people who rely on being able to speak to someone at a station in order to be able to get around on the rail network.
“The closures also pose wider concerns around passenger safety and security. Ticket offices provide a place of safety for staff and passengers at stations, particularly during quieter periods or at night. The presence of staff can deter abusive and anti-social behaviour.
“I will be strongly opposing the plans and I urge anyone with concerns to make them known before the deadline of 26 July.
“Let’s hope the Government listens and stops the disastrous plans.”


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