Early hours crash after bins placed across a main road


A WORRIED motorist at Warrington has sounded a warning after his car crashed into a row of wheelie bins placed across a main road in the early hours of the morning.

It was around 1.30am when the 84-year-old motorist was driving home along Sankey Way, Warrington, with his wife.
He suddenly saw the bins ahead of him, braked sharply but could not avoid colliding with one of the bins.
He said: “There were three bins, placed across the carriageway so that it was impossible for a car to drive between them. Fortunately, I had almost stopped when I hit the bin so there was no damage to my car, nor, I think, the bin.
“But I didn’t stop to find out in case it was a ruse to stop a motorist and rob him.
“The bins could not have been there long as there was still some traffic about, despite the early hours and it was not possible to get past without hitting them
“I reported the matter to the police as soon as I got home.
“This was a highly irresponsible act as it could cause a serious accident, or even a fatality. “

A Cheshire Police spokeswoman said: “Police were called to reports of youths putting bins in the road. Drivers had been stopping to move the bins out of the way. But they were then put back in the road by the suspects who were hiding nearby.
“A search was made of the area but there was no trace of the culprits and there were no further reports.”


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