Technically Brilliant Gallery showcases work of contemporary artists


A NEW exhibition at the Technically Brilliant Gallery in Warrington’s Golden Square aims to showcase the work of a range of contemporary artists and makers in the town.

The exhibition – Spotlight Three – heralds the summer programme of artists residencies, workshops and a major retrospective all taking place at the not-for-profit gallery throughout July and August.

Jo Bramham-Smith, gallery co-owner and in-house artist, said: “We are thrilled to bring the work of many of our favourite artists – many of them local – to a Warrington audience.
“Visitors can pick up an original piece of art created by our talented artists as well as meet some of them.
“We also run art exploration workshops where you can learn about artists and then be inspired to have a go at creating your own art to take home.
“Myself and the other in-house artist, Matt George, also run workshops where we pass on our knowledge of the techniques needed to created your own piece of art.
“A retrospective of several of our regular artists will open in August and we continue tostock beautiful, original collections by our makers.”

One of the artists taking up a residency inext month is Simon Hardcastle and his stunning stained glass pieces are already on display.
Other residencies include the craft of Jackie Warburton and painting by Jo Bramham-Smith, Matt George and Judith Booth with more to be announced soon.


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