Homeowners warned: Look out for Japanese knotweed


HOMEOWNERS in Warrington should be on the lookout for highly invasive Japanese knotweed.

The warning comes from the national trade body, the Property Care Association (PCA).
The PCA’s Invasive Weed Control Group (IWCG) is at the forefront of the invasive weed control industry in the UK and its members have access to a library of resources and training dedicated to combatting the spread of Japanese knotweed and other non-native invaders.
The invasive weed becomes more visible at this time of year – and PCA experts are advising homeowners to ensure the correct surveys and paperwork are completed if they suspect Japanese knotweed may be present on their property.

Daniel Docking, technical manager at PCA, said: “It’s growing season in the UK, so now is the time homeowners are likely to spot an invader like Japanese knotweed if it is present.
“Japanese knotweed can be found in every county of the UK. It is tied to legislation, which means landowners have a responsibility to manage infestations responsibly.
“Recent court cases have shown that the presence of Japanese knotweed on a property can be missed or intentionally concealed, so we are encouraging anyone with concerns about the plant to seek expert help and make sure any relevant paperwork, such as the TA6 form, is filled in correctly.
“Our ICWG members have a range of options to treat infestations, so it’s essential to engage a competent Certificated Surveyor in Japanese knotweed (CSJK) who will have the specialist skills and knowledge to identify Japanese knotweed or any other invasive plants that may be present.”

PCA’s Invasive Weed Control Group (ICWG) is a collective group of industry professionals that provides clear guidance on best practice and standards, as well as being a reference point for property professionals and helping homeowners to find reliable, competent and trustworthy invasive weed contractors.
More details about the PCA’s Invasive Weed Control Group can be found at https://www.property-care.org/homeowners/advice/invasive-weeds


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