Gulliver’s World donation helps Warrington school complete green car challenge


PUPILS from a Warrington school have completed a charged-up challenge to build and race an electric car after receiving donations from local businesses including Gulliver’s World.

Year 6 pupils from Sankey Valley St James Primary School took part in the Greenpower IET Goblin Kit Car Project. Greenpower Education Trust is a UK charity that challenges young people to design, build and race an electric single-seater racing car.
After purchasing an age-appropriate kit car, the school required additional sponsors to purchase overalls, helmets, gloves and transport costs.
Gulliver’s World donated family tickets to the school for a raffle, raising £150.
After completing the build of the car, the class attended a Greenpower event in Lichfield earlier this month. Ten children had the opportunity to drive the car, competing in a drag, slalom and sprint race.

Jen Carter, Year 6 class teacher, said: “The project was a great success — the engagement and enthusiasm from all the Year 6 children resulted in excellent learning opportunities in science and engineering.
“All the children worked as a team, some children were pushers, others were in charge of health and safety, and the rest of the class supported the drivers and cheered them on. The children had a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed participating in all of the events.
“The school’s Friends of Sankey Valley Fundraising and Support Group donated half the cost of the car but sponsorship was also needed to support the children to compete in the event. Vital Energi, Crest Medical and Camelott donated money to support the students and Gulliver’s World donated family tickets for the school to raffle. The school is incredibly grateful for their support.”

Craig Clews, resort director at Gulliver’s World, said: “Congratulations to the Year 6 class at Sankey Valley St James Primary School for completing this challenge, which encouraged them to take an interest in engineering in a fun way.
“At Gulliver’s World we are proud to support schools and other local community groups with fun educational projects like this.”


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