Conservatives select Howard Klein to contest Poulton North by-election


WARRINGTON Conservatives are have announced Howard Klein as their candidate for the upcoming by-election in Poulton North.

Howard is a Parish Councillor in Poulton North and a member of the Longbarn Residents’ Association, where he is working hard for residents. Howard is passionate about saving our greenbelt from development like Peel Hall, tackling illegal parking and anti-social behaviour and improving our communal spaces.

Howard said:”I am delighted and honoured to have been selected to stand as the Conservative candidate to be the next Conservative Councillor for Poulton North. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I intend to listen to your views, concerns and recommendations and campaign on your behalf.
“For far too long, the Labour has taken us for granted and has failed to deliver for Poulton North. I want to ensure that Poulton North is one of the best places to live, work and raise a family. I look forward to working with my Conservative colleagues on Warrington Borough Council to hold the Labour administration to account.
“For too long, this Labour council has refused to be held to account by the members of the public. I will fight for openness and transparency from the Labour-run council, as full council meetings should be live-streamed to allow residents to see what they are wasting our council tax on.
“Only the Conservatives are standing up for Poulton North; this Labour-run council has passed the local plan that will destroy our green belt. The Conservative Councillors voted against it, and I will continue to do the same. Labour voted to raise your council tax when households can least afford it. The Conservative Councillors voted against it, and I will always campaign for lower council tax while delivering better services. I will continue to challenge Labour over these issues and its reckless £2 billion borrowing.”

Commenting, Theo Mirfin, Chairman, Warrington Conservatives, added:”We are delighted to confirm Howard as the Conservative Party candidate for Poulton North. Since being co-opted to Poulton with Fearnhead Parish earlier this year, Howard has been aware of the big issues as well as the day-to-day issues that affect residents. I’m confident Howard will be a strong voice for all and look forward to campaigning with him over the coming weeks.”


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