Trident HGV plan sparks political fallout as Tory calls for Labour councillor to resign


AN angry Tory Cllr has hit out following the controversial decision to approve a large HGV distribution depot at Risley, accusing council leader Russ Bowden of being “conspicuous by his silence” while also calling for a Labour Cllr, who voted in favour of the application, to resign.

Labour hit back accusing Cllr Maisey of fueling “bullying and harrassment” of elected members and stirring up “hate” for hardworking councillors, labelling her comments a “disgrace.”

Cllr. Maisey (Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft) was speaking out in the wake of the decision by Warrington Borough Council’s Development Management Committee to grant permission for the expansion of the Trident Business Park at Risley and the development of a sizeable HGV distribution depot, despite opposition from more than 300 residents.

In a strongly worded statement, Cllr. Maisey said:”This decision demonstrates once and for all the sheer hypocrisy that runs rampant through the erratic and dysfunctional Warrington Labour Party. Local Labour councillors can no longer be taken at their word.
“Their parish councillors in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft claim to be in favour of measures to restrict HGVs passing through our villages, yet not one of them turned up to this week’s DMC meeting.
“To make matters worse, Cllr Siobhan Carr (who sits on Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council) voted in favour of the Trident proposals, despite the arguments against being incredibly strong. This flies in the face of Labour’s election pledges and will only serve to increase the number of HGV movements along Warrington Road by a factor of hundreds per day. Perhaps Cllr Carr and her colleagues would like to explain to the residents of Culcheth, Croft and Glazebury why she chose to fly in the face of public opinion and vote against the interests of the people she represents?
“Her position on the parish council is now untenable and she should resign with immediate effect.

“Also conspicuous by his silence was the Council leader Russ Bowden, who represents Birchwood. His response to this planning application has been limp and flaccid at best. He chose not to speak up in support of his own residents or fight to have these plans thrown out. Tory Birchwood Town Councillor Craig Allen and the independent councillor on Birchwood Town Council were also flabbergasted by the decision. So where was Councillor Bowden when we needed him? If the Labour leader can’t act in the best interests of his own ward, what is the point of him being there?
“While Conservative councillors were fighting on behalf of the communities of Culcheth, Croft and Birchwood, Cllr Bowden stayed mute. Decisions like this prove that the town remains lumbered with an impotent Leader – a man who is in office, but not in charge.
“Residents should be under no illusion. Cllr Bowden, Cllr Carr and their fellow acolytes have betrayed Birchwood, Culcheth and Croft, and local people will not forget that.”
“As usual, there was silence and a characteristic lack of support from the Warrington North MP on this important constituency matter.”

Cllr. Carol Benson, Borough Cllr for Culcheth Glazebury & Croft added: “Having attended the local meetings over the last year I have seen and heard firsthand the strong feelings against this development. As a local resident for most of my life I strongly agreed with the argument that this development is indeed in the wrong place. The working group worked tirelessly to show many reasons why this should not go ahead and say there are other, far more suitable places for such a development. Here in Birchwood it is right up against residential homes so is not a suitable place. Operating 24/7 with large numbers of vehicles being loaded and unloaded.”

While Cllr Bowden declined to comment a Labour Party spokesperson said: “In response to the statement of Wendy Maisey, we are shocked and saddened that an elected representative and member of the council should fuel the bullying and harassment of elected members who are simply exercising the roles that they are tasked to deliver in line with national policy. Calls to resign are childish and insulting when made by individuals who have not bothered to establish the facts or understand the detailed analysis undertaken by professional council officers.
“Members of the committees, as councillor Maisey well knows, act on the legal basis of the applications submitted not on parish politics. There is no wrongdoing here and no basis for any calls for resignation. Seeking to score local political points on sensitive issues such as this and to seek stir up hate for hardworking councillors is a disgrace.
“We respect any person who seeks to raise formal challenges in an appropriate manner but will not respond any further to personal attacks aimed at individuals.”

Residents left stunned after planners approve large Trident HGV distribution depot


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I’m a Culcheth resident and must admit local politics in this area seems to be very toxic and these comments aimed at individuals and the vitriol and aggressive language used here is not acceptable by any councillor of any political persuasion. It distracts from the real issue in terms of the planning process. I would ask all concerned to reflect on their approach and try to act with respect.

  2. Typical Warrington labour council attitude we don’t care about the residents or their opinions .
    Time to get shut of this weak narrow minded labour councillors especially Russ Bowden
    You have the opportunity to get rid of them next May 2024 don’t waste your chance

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