Driver who skidded out of control on M62 at more than 80 mph killing kind Co-op worker spared prison


A Warrington Royal Mail worker, who aquaplaned at high speed on the M62 leading to the death of a popular woman motorist, has walked free from court.

Paula Heaney, 57, was on the M62 from Liverpool on her way to work at the Co-op store in Thatto Heath, St Helens, in torrential rain when disaster cruelly struck.

After Peter Maddrell lost control of his Peugeot on unexpected pooled water while travelling at 83 mph on an unlit stretch of roadway it veered from the outside lane to the nearside lane.

It collided with trees and undergrowth and was then deflected back across the three lanes. Its lights failed and while in an almost horizontal position in the darkness Ms Heaney’s car, which had been travelling in the same direction, ploughed into it.
She was pronounced dead from an aortic transection at the scene between Junction 5 and Junction 6 on the M62 at Tarbock Island on January 28, 2021. Two other cars became involved in the 6 am crash but the drivers were not seriously injured.

Maddrell, of Warbrook Road, Roby, who suffered a fractured vertebrae and was in hospital for a week, pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving on the M62.
Sentencing him today (Fri) at Liverpool Crown Court Judge Gary Woodhall said that experts had concluded that deep water had collected because of a depression in the roadway and a blocked drain.
This defect in the roadway, which has since been re-surfaced, contributed to the accident though increased speed raises the risk of aquaplaning. The experts found that the circumstances were unique.
He said that Maddrell had been driving at excess speed for 1.2 miles and his driving was not far short of dangerous.

In an impact statement the victim’s sister, Maria Heaney, who was too ill to attend the hearing, told how devastating her sister’s death had been to her and their family.
“She was described as unique, kind-hearted and loved by many,” said the judge.

Judge Woodhall said that he accepted that Maddrell, an admin worker for the Royal Mail in Warrington, was full of remorse and empathy. He has no previous convictions and there has been a long delay since the incident happened.
He sentenced him to six months imprisonment suspended for 15 months and to carry out 200 hours unpaid work. He also banned him from driving for 15 months.

Tom Gent, defending, told how the defendant is weighed down by the enormity of what he had done which he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
He has worked for the same company for 36 years and has a positive good character. He has a history of anxiety and had always accepted that his driving had been careless.
After the tragedy tributes to the victim Ms Heaney poured in from across the region.She had worked at Co-op’s Elephant Lane shop for two decades and was on her way to work from her home in Anfield when she died.
Customers described her as “one of a kind” and “great to chat to” after over 20 years in the shop and floral tributes to her were left outside the shop after Merseyside Police confirmed her death. Other customers left messages remembering Ms Heaney on Facebook.


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