Great Sankey High School football team wins PlayStation National Cup


GREAT Sankey High School’s Year 7 football team has made history by winning the prestigious PlayStation National Cup Final this month.

In an exhilarating match held at West Bromwich Albion’s ground, the under 12’s team won with a 2-1 triumph over Shenfield High School in Essex.
The Great Sankey team’s journey to the final was characterised by an unbeaten run of nine matches, and the players are also the first team from Warrington to win the PlayStation National Cup Final.

The Mayor of Warrington, Councillor Jean Flaherty, met the players, teachers and parents at the Town Hall for a special celebratory event.
Cllr Flaherty said: “I was delighted to welcome the team to the Town Hall, meet all of the talented players and congratulate them on their incredible achievement.
“Their success is no doubt thanks to their hard work and talent as well as the support from the team, teachers and parents. The players should be very proud, and I’m sure this success will inspire a future generation of footballers and sporting champions!”

The Town Hall is also available for other sports teams and children’s groups to celebrate any big achievements or find out more about the iconic Warrington building. Town Hall visits can be tailored to the age groups of the children and can include a tour of the building, exhibition of the Mayoral insignia and a brief, interactive session on how the council works.
To find out more, visit:


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