Labour names by-election candidate


LABOUR has named it’s candidate for the upcoming by-election for the vacant Poulton North seat on Warrington Borough Council.
Ashley Pemberton, aged 21, will fight the seat in what is expected to be a fierce contest.
Born and bred in Warrington, Ashley attended St Bridget’s RC Primary School, where his seven-year-old sister is now a pupil, and went onto secure a place at University in Leeds.
He said: “I’m honoured and humbled to have the opportunity to represent my local area in this election. I grew up in this part of Warrington, and I still live here with my family. I am fiercely proud of this area and its people and I will stand up for them at the Town Hall.
“The fight for Poulton North will be a fight for fairness. This community needs a team of councillors who will work to protect local families from the savage cuts of David Cameron and Nick Clegg – not pretenders, who defend their leaders’ attacks on the public and try to justify them.
“Already on the campaign trail, I have met with residents who have told me of the neglect and ignorance they have suffered from the previous administration, in which the Lib-Dems allowed the Tories to run roughshod in the Town Hall and overlook our inner wards.
“At this by-election, Labour will campaign with a firm vision for the future.”
The by-election is due to take place on July 28 following the resignation of Lib-Dem councillor Sharon Wilson.
The Liberal Democrats have named former councillor Colin Oliver as their candidate.
Pictured: Ashley Pemberton outside his old school.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. ‘Neglect and ignorance’? I thought that there were only a few Tory councillors compared with the Lib-Dem ones and that they hardly had a say in what was done.

  2. 21!! A wealth of experience in the lad then. Not shown much interest in local politics if he didn’t know the state of play in the Council chamber.

  3. Don’t get worried Ashley by these ageist comments. We need some young blood on WBC. Hope you have a good win on 28/7 which I’m sure you will.

  4. You can always stand down Councillor Settle? It’s a bit like Dan Price – nobody has seen him – I understand he’s always out of the country standing up only for the youth of his ward. So is this young lad still at Uni?????

  5. council tax payer on

    The Ward would be the poorer without the likes of Councillor Geoff Settle. A very hard working representative. If Ashley is out of the Country where was his photograph outside St Bridgets taken? The few Tories that were in the coalition had an most unfair say in things to the detriment of the Borough. The North East of the Town has, during the last few years, certainly been neglected. Has anyone looked at Culcheth, Lymm and Grappenhall. These are very unequal parts of the Borough compared with Poulton North. So much for the LibDems fighting for the Ward.

  6. Strange Dan joined me for a Dragon’s Den with the Mayor last Monday at Great Sankey High School. It was a very good day and JDJ cases did as they say – ‘We’ve got it covered’.

  7. There were Tory councillors on the exec board, and they did nothing to prevent the LibDems riding roughshod over the people of Warrington, in fact they seemed to be entirely in agreement with the unethical, undemocratic ways the last administration operated. Take for example the Walton Hall and Gardens issue; totally in contradiction to the wishes of the people of Warrington and directly after very publicly promising not to progress the Contessa deal the combined Lib/Con exec board UNANIMOUSLY voted to carry on regardless of public opinion. This totally hypocritical decision was taken behind closed doors in a meeting to which the public were barred. What they had done only came to light when members of the Labour party called the decision in to scrutiny and the minutes of the ‘private’ meeting became available to the public.

    If the Tory Exec members weren’t in agreement with the decision and the hypocritical, unethical way it was made the vote would not have been UNANIMOUS. Additionally, ANY INDIVIDUAL TORY OR LIBDEM COUNCILLOR could have requested that the decision was called in – but none of them did! With regard to the many other contentious issues in various areas of the town; other than the weak, publicity seeking bleatings, did any of them actually DO anything?

  8. Just for you Wise(?)One, as an example of how the Lib/Cons operate, I repeat …………………There were Tory councillors on the exec board, and they did nothing to prevent the LibDems riding roughshod over the people of Warrington, in fact they seemed to be entirely in agreement with the unethical, undemocratic ways the last administration operated. Take for example the Walton Hall and Gardens issue; totally in contradiction to the wishes of the people of Warrington and directly after very publicly promising not to progress the Contessa deal the combined Lib/Con exec board UNANIMOUSLY voted to carry on regardless of public opinion. This totally hypocritical decision was taken behind closed doors in a meeting to which the public were barred. What they had done only came to light when members of the Labour party called the decision in to scrutiny and the minutes of the ‘private’ meeting became available to the public. If the Tory Exec members weren’t in agreement with the decision and the hypocritical, unethical way it was made the vote would not have been UNANIMOUS. Additionally, ANY INDIVIDUAL TORY OR LIBDEM COUNCILLOR could have requested that the decision was called in – but none of them did! With regard to the many other contentious issues in various areas of the town; other than the weak, publicity seeking bleatings, did any of them actually DO anything?

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