Enforcement set to start on Academy Way bus lane


MOTORISTS are being reminded that from this Monday,  June 12, they will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice for unauthorised use of the Academy Way bus lane in the town centre.

The new bus lane camera was activated on Academy Way on May 9, and since that date, the council has been issuing ‘warning notices’ only to those who contravene the bus lane, to help provide sufficient advanced notice to motorists that the bus lane is now ‘live’ and being actively enforced.
However, from June 12 – in line with other enforced bus lanes in Warrington – owners of vehicles that contravene the Academy Way bus lane will begin receiving Penalty Charge Notices of £70, reduced to £35 if paid within the first 21 days.

Signage has been in place since March, notifying people of the enforcement measures, which aim to deter unauthorised vehicles, increase bus punctuality, reduce congestion and improve air quality.
Only buses, taxis, cycles and emergency services vehicles can use the bus lane, which is in force 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The new automatic number plate recognition cameras will capture the registration plate details of all vehicles driving illegally along the bus lane. Owners of these vehicles could receive a Penalty Charge Notice of £70 reduced to £35 if paid within the first 21 days.

The installation of bus lane cameras is part of the council’s ongoing work to promote sustainable transport. Bus lanes aim to help provide a more reliable bus service and increase passenger numbers by enabling buses to have a more reliable journey along some of Warrington’s most congested roads.


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