Council chiefs urged to approve £524,801 work to complete bus station roof repairs


COUNCIL chiefs are being recommended to approve a £524,801 contract to complete roof repairs at Warrington Bus Interchange which were never finished because the original contractor went into liquidation.

The original contract was awarded in 2019 to deal with a number of issues at the Bus Interchange including, but not limited to, a leaking roof.
Work stopped on a number of occasions due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

Lockdowns also limited the contractor’s ability to return to address known and reported defects and outstanding works.
“The work was never satisfactorily completed as the company ultimately went into liquidation,” a report to the borough council’s cabinet states.
The repair work will, once completed, make the roof watertight, protecting the fabric of the building from further water damage.
It will also extend the useful life of the building and reduce the potential for claims resulting from people slipping on a wet, tiled floor.
Six contractors have submitted bids to carry out the work, but only four meet the council’s quality criteria.
As currently programmed, the work is scheduled to be completed during the current financial year.

Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet is recommended to approve the £524,801 contract and sanction a required increase of funding in the capital programme to meet the tendered cost of works.
Councillors will be told a decision is required to ensure the timely delivery of the project in order to maintain a busy public building.
The increased funding required will be put to the cabinet in a private session on Monday (June 12)


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