Police HQ celebrates National Volunteers’ Week


DURING National Volunteers’ Week (June 1-7) Cheshire Police held a special event to celebrate those who make a real difference volunteering within the Constabulary.

As the annual celebrations for 2023 drew to a close, volunteers from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Cheshire Constabulary came together to learn more about each other’s various roles and the support that they offer to the policing family.
The event, hosted by Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner David McNeilage, also offered officers and staff the opportunity to thank the volunteers for their hard work and dedication that they show within their roles.

Mr McNeilage, said: “Our volunteers dedicate their own time and skills to ensure Cheshire’s communities receive the policing that they expect and deserve. They are a key part of the policing family.
“It is great to have the opportunity to hear, in more detail, about the experiences that the volunteers have when they are carrying out their roles. The work that they do often takes place in the background, so it is only right that we celebrate all that they bring to the Constabulary.”
From the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, volunteers representing Independent Custody Visitors, Call Management Auditors, Police Dog Welfare Visitors were all marking the occasion.

The Victim Service Improvements Panel and Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Board were both represented as well as Cheshire CARES, the dedicated service that provides support to all victims of crime in Cheshire.
Volunteers from the Constabulary’s Heritage Watch and Cyber Crime teams took part in the event and a representative from the Cheshire Police Museum spoke about his time at the charity and the displays on show at the venue in Warrington.
If you would like to find out more about the volunteering opportunities within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Cheshire Constabulary please visit: www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/volunteering


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