Teenager travelled to Warrington to sell crack cocaine and heroin to pay off £2k drug debt


THREE teenagers sent to sell crack cocaine and heroin on the streets of Warrington were spotted by under-cover police in the Orford area of town.

The trio were promptly arrested after having been seen involved in drugs transactions and the oldest of them, 18-year-old Tatala Sheriff today (Fri) appeared in a crown court dock.

Sheriff, who had 31 wraps of crack cocaine and 15 wraps of heroin, each worth £10, and £290 cash, admitted two charges of being concerned in supplying the drugs.

Judge Robert Trevor-Jones said, “It is accepted you were part of a group of young people effectively exploited and recruited by others to go there and go about the area supplying drugs.

He told Sheriff, of Todd Street, Salford, that he accepted he had come under temptation when offered a way to pay off his debts.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Sheriff has no previous convictions and imposing a 22 month sentence of detention suspended for 18 months the judge said, “If this is not a warning shot to you for the rest of our life I don’t know what will be.”
He ordered him to carry out 180 hours unpaid work and 15 days rehabilitation activities.

Iain Criddle, prosecuting, had told the court that under-cover officers saw Sheriff and two boys, aged 15 and 17 in the Festival Avenue area of Orford on April 26 this year.
They were seen conversing with known drug users and the officers detained them, said Mr Criddle.
Sheriff’s iPhone was seized and messages found and Mr Criddle said, ”In the view of the police drugs expert they would clearly show that this defendant was being controlled by someone else higher up the chain.
“He is from Manchester and it appears he has been brought into the Warrington area by someone else to act as a street dealer. He was told what to do and how to do it.”
When interviewed the defendant said had been supplying drugs to pay off a £2,000 drug debt.

Jeremy Rawson, defending, said that Sheriff had had a troubled background and had been sent away at one time to an uncle in America so his parents could concentrate on his sick sister, who fortunately has now recovered.
He has no previous conviction and “He was preyed on rather than preying,” said Mr Rawson.


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