Planning consent sought for up to three dwellings on farm site


OUTLINE planning consent is being sought for up to three dwellings on land at Three Acres Farm, East Lancs Road, Glazebury.

Existing kennels and a garage building would be demolished as part of the proposals.

The scheme has been submitted to Warrington Borough Council planners who are considering the proposals.

Three Acres Farm consists of a bungalow and a number of outbuildings providing storage, kennels, pens and a garage. The site is accessed by a single track road from Lately Common, alongside an area used for caravan storage, belonging to a neighbouring property.

A report submitted to planners says the scheme would not result in any significant impact on traffic flows, given the previous use of the site for kennels. The new dwellings would be served by the existing driveway and access from Warrington Road.
The proposals are for the existing barn and storage building to be replaced by two dwellings. An additional dwelling would site to the north west of the site in place of the existing kennels building
The amount of development would be limited to ensure safe and practical use of the site and development land without any detrimental effect and no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and surrounding properties.
All existing boundaries and hedges would be retained and only two trees would be lost.


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