Give credit where it's due – Lib Dems


LIBERAL Democrat members of Warrington Borough Council say they are “very pleased” to see progress on the multi-million plan to revive the Bridge Street area.
But they have urged the controlling Labour group not to take the credit for the ambitious project.
Cllr Bob Barr, the Lib Dem spokesman on planning and regeneration, said:
“Weeks into their control of the council, Labour will try to take credit for the appointment of a town centre development partner – the end of a process that has taken a number of years during which they were claiming nothing was being done. “Likewise having said that Omega was stalled, they acknowledge that Omega is now moving, again after years of effort on a project that had stopped when the Lib Dem/Conservative coalition took power in Warrington.
“Labour should also acknowledge that the last administration’s ambitious target of delivering 1,000 affordable homes by 2013 is on track to be achieved a year early.”
Cllr Barr said the Lib Dems would not turn important strategic issues into “political footballs.”
He listed the waste strategy, balanced housing delivery and the local development framework for the next 10-20 years as initiatives started by the Lib Dem/Conservative coalition.
Cllr Barr added: “We will not oppose for the sake of opposing and we will not spread false scare stories for political advantage.
“Where we believe that the new council is bringing in policies which are to the long term advantage of everyone in Warrington, we will support them.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Every little opportunity eh ? Is there any need for news stories on statements like this? They should all be working together anyway and it is irrelevant who started what. All that is important is for everything to be open and transparent, listening to the residents opinions too where appropriate and for the outcome of ‘whatever’ is on the cards to really be best for Warrington and it’s residents long term!! Whats happening about the illegal destruction of all the planning records by the way !?!

  2. Dont take credit for their ambitious project..who was it that destroyed the busiest shopping street in warrington?…and the person who deserves credit for something good isnt the person who suggests it but doesnt impliment its the people who do it…who ever they are

  3. Is it any wonder that people are turned off politics? The man would do better to keep quiet and see what they can do collectively to get Warrington out of the doldrums. The place is a disgrace.

  4. I doubt the new administration would want to take the the credit for your cock-ups Mr Barr! And I hope that the controlling labour group are going to put the controls on your pie-in-the-sky ‘visionary’ plans. I also hope that they will work with the townspeople rather than in opposition to them, that they will GENUINELY consult with the people, make decisions openly rather than behind closed doors and that they won’t make solemn promises to the public which they go behind closed doors and break just minutes later!!!!.

  5. Quote Bob Barr “…………….the last administration’s ambitious target of delivering 1,000 affordable homes by 2013 is on track to be achieved a year early.”

    Trying to sound like you are a philanthropist ? ha, ha, the ‘affordable’ homes in your plans are not actually affordable to those who need such. Also, how about giving the exact number of thousands upon thousands of private and ‘aspirational’ houses that will have to be built to achieve your target of the 1,000 you consider ‘affordable’, and whose doorstep all these thousands of houses would have landed upon?

  6. Not what Labour want to do and thats to say that all the town will have an incinerator – Maybe the MP for Warrington North would welcome one in her back garden so her son Chris I’m so wonderful Vobe can look at it burning away and then tweet to Nick Bent (fantastic name) that he should have one in his back garden

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