Candidate seeks assurances about road access to new development on former stadium site


THE Latchford West by-election Tory candidate Stephen Taylor has raised concerns with Warrington Borough Council highways officers about road access to land where hundreds of new homes are to be built off Wilderspool Causeway.

Responding to concerns raised by local residents on Fletcher Street and Priory Street, Mr Taylor has heard from local residents who are understandably concerned at the prospect of up to 1,000 daily car journeys to a new estate along narrow access roads.

Mr Taylor, who worked as a Senior Officer at the Environment Agency in Latchford says there has been little thought for people living locally:

“Councillors waved the scheme through to build around 160 homes and whilst I recognise there is a need for more affordable housing there has been little consultation and discussion with existing homeowners about the impact the scheme will have on their roads.

With the former bus depot site also set to be used for up to 600 homes, he says this will put additional pressure on Wilderspool Causeway, where traffic already queues but there doesn’t seem to be a plan for dealing with the additional cars this development will generate.

Endorsing Stephen’s candidacy, Warrington South’s MP Andy Carter says Stephen is the only candidate that lives in Latchford West and is already standing up to their views:
“Labour has taken Latchford residents for granted; they’ve ignored the views of local people on the Low Traffic Neighbourhood, they’ve failed to address concerns about traffic levels on Gainsborough Road, done nothing about parking near Priestley College and now they’re building more homes without giving a thought to the right infrastructure on Wilderspool Causeway.
“The Labour candidate doesn’t even live in Latchford, neither do any of the other candidates. The Conservatives are the only Councillor Group who effectively and consistently oppose the Labour administration at the Town Hall, they have challenged the lack of openness and transparency, the Council’s partisan committee structures, the reckless levels of debt and the poorly performing investments amongst other issues. If elected, I know Stephen will stand up for local people, working with Conservative Councillors and myself.”

bus depot

Stephen Taylor and Andy Carter at the bus depot site

Four candidates will be contesting the Latchford West by-election this Thursday, April 20. Voter photo ID is not required for this by-election.
The candidates are:
Amanda Louise Bowles (Ind)
Sharon Alicia Harris (Lib-Dem)
Denis Matthews (Lab)
Stephen Howard Taylor (Con)


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. but the idea is to get people out of cars and onto buses,cycles or shanks pony.

    there will be little traffic generated……(removes tongue from cheek)

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