Political fall-out after Tories and Labour clash over calls for more financial support for Warrington residents


OPPOSITION Tories have hit back at claims they voted against a Full Council motion calling for more financial support for Warrington residents, accusing the controlling Labour group of “reaching a new low.”

Labour Cllrs say they were left shocked in response to comments made by Conservative Councillor for Appleton, Cllr Ken Critchley, at Monday’s Full Council meeting, accusing him of showing “a clear lack of empathy and complete dereliction of duty towards our town”.
Cllr Critchley hit back saying it was an “appalling misrepresentation of what was actually said,” adding that Labour had reached a “new low.”

It followed Tory Councillors voting against or abstaining from a Labour motion calling on the Government to provide more support for Warrington’s residents. The motion came after research from leading charities, including homelessness charity Shelter, found 67% of people said the Government was not doing enough to support them.
The motion was proposed by Cllr Nathan Sudworth, Labour councillor for Poplars and Hulme one of Warrington’s most deprived wards and Seconded by Labour Councillor for Poulton North, Sue Emery.
During the meeting Councillor Emery highlighted examples from across Warrington of struggling families in need of more support, giving real-life examples where the Conservative Government has failed to step in, leaving vulnerable people at risk including a disabled veteran.
Cllr Critchley was accused of making a series of shocking comments including, suggesting that Government support should be limited, brushing aside ambitions of lifting Warrington’s most vulnerable residents out of poverty by addressing economic inequalities and suggesting there should be “Diversity of Income”.

In response to the “shocking” comments Councillor Nathan Sudworth said: “The Tories mean one thing when they said ‘Diversity of Income’ they think some people should be poor or should live in poverty.
“They believe that only a few should be able to succeed. That’s something I completely disagree with. It’s a vile vision for Warrington and for our country.
“We should all be able to live comfortably and succeed. We are a wealthy country, one of the richest, there is more than enough money to go around.
“But something has gone seriously wrong with our country when the Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is swimming in his private pool, and you have some residents in Warrington who can’t even afford to take a bath or shower.
“Seeing Warrington Conservative Councillors with smirks on their faces as we discussed the real-life stories of hardship our residents are facing as a direct result of 13 years of Tory austerity and economic mismanagement shows what kind of a party they are.
“It’s a shame so many of the Tories decided to vote against or abstain from the motion calling for more Government support for our residents.
“They showed a clear lack of empathy and complete dereliction of duty towards our town.
“Our residents need help more than ever. Bills continue to skyrocket and the cost of living crisis is pushing hard-working families to the brink. It just isn’t fair.
“The Tories showed their true colours at Monday’s meeting.
“It’s clear they don’t care about our town, our communities or our residents”.

In response, Cllr Critchley said: “This is an appalling misrepresentation of what was actually said by Conservative Councillors at the Full Council meeting and a new low from the Labour Group.”
During Councillor Critchley’s speech, he referred to the significant level of support provided by the Conservative Government including the benefits increase of 10.1% from the first of April protecting the most vulnerable, the cost of living payment support for households on low income and the extension of the Household support fund with £2.9M secured for Warrington amongst other support payments for the most vulnerable.
He said the assertions of Labour’s spokesperson were completely different from the sentiments expressed during the debate by the Conservative Group.

Cllr. Critchley concluded with the comments. “The national government’s budget sought to protect the most vulnerable in our society and our country’s public services.
He added: “The Labour Group have taken politics to a new low in Warrington with their ridiculous misrepresentations of what was actually said during the debate.
“At no time did we suggest government support should be limited, we did refer to the government’s positive record in addressing absolute poverty and we did challenge the Labour Group’s lack of understanding of the economic realities of life and the implications for the most vulnerable in society as well as public services if the UK becomes an unattractive destination for business and high earners.
“We completely reject that the Conservative Group have any lack of empathy for the most vulnerable in Warrington.”

Cllr. Balding Conservative Group Leader added: “On Monday night the WBC Labour Group had little to offer the people of Warrington and did not want to discuss motions from other Groups asking for changes and improvements in the running of WBC.
“In their two Motions to the Full Council meeting the Labour Group wanted to debate national issues and Government responsibilities. They resolved to write letters to MPs and ministers of state, duly passing these motions with their carefully managed majority vote.
“Talking about national issues has been Warrington Labour’s modus operandi for some time, deflecting attention from their own failings in running Warrington Borough Council and seeking to duck any reasonable debate, not listening to alternative views.
“Other motions were available from the Conservative Group about local issues. Resolutions to review the failings of WBC consultation processes, asking for more engagement with LiveWire which we’re told is “an extremely vulnerable position” and halting the extremely unpopular Westy LTN scheme.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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