Ava, 12, is one of five winners in national poetry competition


A 12-year-old girl from Warrington is one of five winners in a national poetry competition organised by the
Young Writers organisation which attracted more than 16,000 entries

Ava Gallagher, a pupil at Birchwood High School, won high praise for her poem “ASD in Me”, which has now been published in a book of poetry.

She also received a trophy and a £50 prize for being one of the five winners of “The Power of Poetry” competition.
Proud Mum Hannah said: “Ava has had so many people thanking her for helping to express how it feels to be autistic.”
The poem reads as follows:

“If you don’t mind I’d like to explain
A little thing called autism and how it affects my brain
It can make me anxious, angry and afraid
But this stays in my head, on my face it’s not displayed
I may seem heartless and question your meanings
But it takes me a little longer to process the feelings
A girl sitting quietly is all you see
But inside my mind I am far from free
My thoughts collide, my senses take over
I become overwhelmed by the smallest sound
Clicking pens, ticking clocks
That boy’s chair and the way it rocks
All different smells attacking me
The perfumes, the coffee, the teacher’s tea
I try to be social, I try to fit in
I come across rude, I can never win
I am very literal and straight to the point
If you want the truth, I won’t disappoint
When my brain is overloaded I sometimes lash out
My control fades, I scream and shout
I get confused and it all spills out
Intense emotions all trapped inside
Finally have nowhere to hide
Please understand I am not to blame
I’ve just got an atypical brain
But it’s not all doom and gloom
I’m often the sportiest girl in the room
I’m quirky, unique, kind and caring
I’m loyal, protective and always sharing
I’m obsessed with frogs and all things green
I’m the youngest trendsetter you ‘ve ever seen
I am Ava, I am me
Please see through my label of ASD.


About Author


  1. Amazingly beautiful words!!! As a parent of a child living with ASD I feel every word that you shared Ava. Thank you for giving people a glimpse into who you are, not what you are.

  2. Nice message but This is really similar to another poem….
    Poem to describe ADHD – written by Andrea Chesterman-Smith
    Take my hand and come with me,
    I want to teach you about ADHD.
    I need you to know, I want to explain, I have a very different brain.
    Sights, sounds and thoughts collide, What to do first? I can’t decide. Please understand I’m not to blame,
    I just can’t process things the same. Take my hand and walk with me,
    Let me show you about ADHD

    • Similar of course they are all classed as such under the same umbrella. It’s Asd.

      Well done Ava absolutely gorgeous poem, means so much to read your words and how close to home they are.

      You are so talented can’t wait to read the next one.

  3. Really beautiful poem Ava, you should be really proud of yourself and who you are, you’re beautiful inside and outside, you’ll go really far in life. I hope everybody who you meet gives you kindness and space to be the wonderful girl you are. I’m autistic myself and I promise you, it won’t hold you back. Always remember you’re beautiful inside and outside

  4. Miss Helena Socha on

    Just read your Poem Ava, very well done, i’m an Auld Biddy, who’s High Functioning, A S D too.
    And wont to give you encouragement in all you do.
    Back when I was at School Teachers, did not know about this,an if you struggled you got labled and put down as thick. But now it is diffrent the Teachers, know more, and they want to help you do well, so you’ll come to the fore. I know you can do it though it will be hard at times, but Ava you can do it an i’m right behind you.


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