MP slates decision over circus animals


THE Government has been condemned by a Warrington MP for its “shocking decision” not to ban wild animals in circuses.
Helen Jones, MP for Warrington North, said there was overwhelming public support for a ban.
She said that when the former Labour Government consulted on proposals to improve welfare for circus animals in March last year, 95.5 per cent of respondents backed a ban. During the past two weeks, she said, 21,000 people have signed a national petition calling for a ban.
Ms Jones said: “This is a shocking decision given the strength of public feeling on this issue. I have received numerous emails from residents who are quite rightly outraged by the Government’s lack of action and I share their anger.
“Circuses are no place for wild animals and the Government must take clear and decisive action to protect vulnerable animals.”
She added: “After I questioned the minister I received an email from Virginia McKenna at the Born Free Foundation thanking me for campaigning for a ban. I will continue to work with campaigners and constituents to push the Government to do the right thing and introduce a ban on wild animals in circuses.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Sounds like the rantings of a desperate woman to keep her name in the headlines.

    Is this really the most important problem in this country?

  2. Well personally I don’t think wild animals should be in circuses so I agree with her. If so many people are against it then surely the circuses would stop…..but seemingly there must be just as many people are in favour and who enjoy seeing these poor animals perform so they continue. So is it relevant to Warringtn? Well ‘yes’ as the circus (with animals) comes here too. Maybe everyone should buoycot it and they will get the message, but of course many people wont 🙁

  3. Where do you draw the line between what is and is not a “wild” animal? Horses and dogs are usually considered domesticated, does that make it OK to train them and make them perform? Elephants are used as work animals in India, does that make them domesticated too? What about performing animals in zoos (penguin parades, sea lions, dolphins etc.)? In what way is that substantially different? As Dizzy says, if people really didn’t like animals in circuses then they wouldn’t pay to go and see them and the circuses would go bust.

  4. Surely the reason this is relevant to Warrington is because it is a Warrington MP shooting her mouth off. I don’t happen to agree with her, but she is allowed to speak her mind, whatever the motive.

  5. I know what you mean but think it’s more about the conditions the circus animals are subject too when travelling around the country and only coming out to perform. At least in a zoo the animals can walk/run/climb around and have purpose build spacious enclosures which meet their natural needs to some extent. In a circus they are stuck in cages in lorries for most of the time 🙁

  6. If it’s an animal welfare issue then fine, that’s where the problem – if it exists – should be addressed. Don’t local authorities have the responsibility for animal welfare and licencing within their boroughs? Shouldn’t they be inspecting circuses when they come to town to ensure that their procedures and facilities are up to scratch? And shouldn’t those same standards be applied to “non-wild” animals as well?

  7. The point is, that she will use anything to keep in the news. As I said at the beginning, there must be more important issues to shout about, such as donating billions of £££££s in overseas aid, when this country is having to cut back on basics.

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