Councillor queries wind turbine plan


A WARRINGTON councillor, who was formerly a senior lecturer in engineering at the University of Manchester, has put forward a technical argument against a proposed wind turbine on Green Belt land at Burtonwood.
Cllr Dr Brian Axcell (pictured) poses the question: “Is it worth putting a 750kw wind turbine, with is 77m tall, on a site in the Green Belt, when the average output will probably be of the order of 100kw or less?”
The argument will be one considered by the borough’s planning committee next week when it considered an application for a wind turbine alongside the M62 at Causeway Bridges Farm, Alder Lane, Burtonwood.
Ten nearby residents have lodged objections – as has the Joint Radio Company, which assesses potential for interference to radio system operated by energy industry companies.
But Liverpool John Lennon Airport, which originally opposed the scheme, has withdrawn its objection.
Cllr Dr Axcell says output from a wind turbine is highly variable due to wind speed variation. At low wind speeds, it does not generate power and with a wind of 29mph, output is at the rated value.
Wind speed figures have not been provided for the Burtonwood site but they would need to be in the order of 20mph. The site is not elevated, nor in an area with a high wind energy resource.
Planning officers, who are recommending the scheme be approved, say arguments based on low output tend not to convince planning inspectors, even in the green belt.
National planning guidance is that planners should consider the benefits of wind turbine proposals, irrespective of their efficiency or output.
They should not be refused merely because their output is small.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Eh…..”Planning officers say that planners should consider the benefits of wind turbine proposals, IRRESPECTIVE of their efficiency or output. So what benefits do they look at then ?? Cllr Axcell seems to know what he’s talking about so is the average output he states of 100kw a per hour output or OR per day OR per week output? I don’t understand wind turbines sorry 🙁 If it’s per hour then based on the business elec charges we pay per kwh that works out around £10.72. Maybe rather than having 1 they should put 100 there 🙂 I’m joking by the way !! I would like to know how long it takes to get an output of 100kw though if someone can tell me…sorry for my ignorance 🙂

  2. 100kW is the power, i.e. 100kJ per second. So 100kWh is a power of 100kW delivered for an hour. Your calculation is right though – but it is based on consumer prices, not what the owner of the wind turbine would get for supplying the national grid. Any wind farms need to be planned logically – the absence of a strategy means that these thing are going to pop up all over the place as landowners look to make a quick buck!

  3. The absence of wind is probably more of an issue than the absence of a strategy! Maybe it’d generate more if placed near the council chambers?

  4. Thanks Swede 🙂 I guess from what you say landowners will power their own homes/busnisses via their wind turbine for free and then sell any extra ‘power’ it generates generated that they don’t need to the national grid. Can’t say I blame them especially with rocketing prices from the various suppliers.. so where can I buy a wind turbine from and how do I store my generate electicity 🙂 I’m suprsed the elec companies aren’t trying to ban them for private use ! PS that was funny Inky 🙂

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