Lib Dems select Sharon Harris for by-election


LOCAL Liberal Democrats have selected Sharon Harris to stand in the Latchford West by-election on April 20.

Sharon has a great deal of experience as a councillor and is currently a member of both Stockton Heath and Walton Parish Councils. Previously she served as a Borough councillor for Appleton.

She said: “I am a retired primary school teacher and have been a proud Warringtonian for nearly thirty years. Two of my sons live in Latchford so I know the ward and am aware of the issues facing our area.  For instance, I know the concerns people have about Gainsborough Road and also the lack of safe road crossings on Wilderspool Causeway and Loushers Lane.
If elected, I will work hard for local people, listen to them and get things done.  I am proud of what I have achieved for local residents.  I was the first councillor to campaign for improved facilities at Broomfields Leisure Centre.  I chaired the Working Group that saved and transformed Stockton Heath Library working with the Council, Livewire and the local community to make sure we had the first dementia-friendly community building in South Warrington.  This is now a truly inclusive community hub which people from Latchford use.  I believe passionately that everyone deserves the very best and I am proud to be a Trustee of the inspirational Walton Lea Partnership.
One of the issues I feel passionately about, is air quality in Warrington.  We are one of the top five towns in the Northwest for poor air quality.  It is a fundamental right to breathe safely and I would lobby the Council to make sure that residents are able to breathe clean air. This is especially important for children and the Council should start monitoring air quality inside and outside our schools.
I am a green Liberal Democrat who is worried about the impact the Climate and Ecological Emergency will have on my children and grandchildren’s lives. I will engage with local residents’ groups to help them find simple things they can do to care for our environment, at the same time as tackling the cost-of-living crisis.
Warrington desperately needs a new hospital but no funding or commitment to a new site have been announced.  Our residents deserve better and I will join with others to fight for a new hospital and improved dental services.
More and more houses are planned for Warrington but the infrastructure is not there. Roads are choked with too much traffic and public transport is inadequate.  I want to make sure that Warrington is a place we can all be proud of.”


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