Green Belt homes plans are thrown out


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have thrown out two proposals to build homes on Green Belt land at Penketh.

The schemes, submitted by Z and D Tourney, involved a green field site off Cuerdley Road, Penketh.

One involved five bungalows for elderly or disabled residents and the other five to nine affordable dwellings.

More than 40 nearby residents lodged objections and there were also objections from borough councillors Geoff Fellows and Andy Heaver as well as from the parish council.
Most of the objections related to the loss of Green Belt land separating Warrington from Widnes, lack of need for housing in Penketh, loss of agricultural land, damage to wildlife and parking and traffic issues.
There were also concerns about flooding in the area.

Warrington Borough Council Planning officers said the proposed developments were not acceptable in principle, were inappropriate in the Green Bent and would be harmful to its openness and permanence.
The applicants had promised a pond, wildflower meadow and bird and bat boxes as part of their proposals.
Currently, the land is unused.


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