Latchford man had more than 700 child porn images on his computer


A 63-year-old Latchford man found with more than 700 child porn images on his computer escaped an immediate prison sentence after a judge said he had a “realistic prospect of rehabilitation.”

Police raided the home of Ralph Dommett on July 13, 2021 and seized his Lenovo computer. When it was forensically examined two indecent videos in the most serious category were found and one in the next most serious group.

Christopher Hopkins, prosecuting, told Liverpool Crown Court yesterday (Wed) that 722 prohibited images and five prohibited videos were also discovered.
“The prohibited images were found in a downloads folder and appeared to have been created between June 2019 and 2021. The defendant had been accessing some particular websites which had sexual stories about children and one appeared to relate to the abuse of a nine-year-old child.
“Other searches indicated an interest in this kind of material, one described as ‘school girl porn’ and another ‘child erotica at its best’,” said Mr Hopkins.
He said that the images found on Dommett’s computer showed children aged about five to 11.
When interviewed Dommett made admissions, he added.
The defendant, of St Mary Street, pleaded guilty to possessing indecent and prohibited images and making indecent images.

Judge Stuart Driver, KC said that Dommett had no previous convictions and there had been a delay in the case reaching court through no fault of the defendant.
He also said that there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation and sentenced him to six months imprisonment suspended for 18 months.
Judge Driver also ordered him to carry out 40 rehabilitation days and to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for seven years. A Sexual Harm Prevention Order was made for the same length of time.

Dad of two who had indecent images of children on phone receives suspended prison sentence


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