University launches Health and Wellbeing Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute


THE University of Chester has launched a Health and Wellbeing Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute.

This innovative initiative will bring together world-class research, knowledge exchange, and student engagement activities to address critical policy issues in the field of health and wellbeing.
The Institute will be guided by a combination of the Research Excellence Framework (REF), the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), and the University’s Citizen Student Strategy. This integrated approach will enable the University to engage students in research and knowledge exchange activities, grow areas of critical mass and excellence, and work in partnership with key local stakeholders.
The Institute has set ambitious key performance indicators, including a total research grant and contracts income of at least £5 million per annum, a Grade Point Average for Research Outputs of 3* (international excellent) in the REF, and a score greater than or equal to Cluster J in at least four of the seven Knowledge Exchange Framework Perspectives. The University will also seek to achieve a National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement Watermark in recognition of its public engagement efforts and an overall satisfaction score of 80% or more in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey.
The University of Chester team aspire for the Institute to be a beacon of excellence for thought leadership, intellectual discussion, and respectful dissent, and to offer students positive experiences and benefits from multiple examples of research as Citizen Students. The Digital Chester Strategy will promote and facilitate research and knowledge exchange activities for all staff, while PGR students will remain highly satisfied with their studies. Overall, we want to create a dynamic, entrepreneurial and impactful research culture aimed at addressing ‘wicked’ policy issues.
At the launch conference, attendees were honoured to hear keynote speeches from Professor Andrew Dickinson, Chief Dental Officer for Wales, who spoke on The State of Dental Care Post Pandemic. They also heard from Professor Isabel Oliver, Director of the National Infection Service, United Kingdom Health Protection Agency (UKHPA) on Protecting Health in the Context of a Changing Climate.

The University is excited about the opportunities presented by the Institute and has many aspirations, including building on its fantastic REF 2022 results, seeking support for staff in preparing and submitting grant applications, and exploring and sharing innovative ways of integrating the REF, KEF, and TEF. The Institute will also build on its fantastic public, patient, and community partnerships to further enrich its student experience and knowledge exchange and transfer offers.
Professor Paul Kingston, Director of the Health and Wellbeing Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute at the University of Chester, said: “We are thrilled to launch the Health and Wellbeing Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute at the University of Chester. Our mission is to drive excellence in research and knowledge exchange in the field of health and wellbeing and to make a real impact in our communities. We aim to provide a unique and dynamic environment for students and researchers to thrive in and I am confident that the Institute will play a key role in advancing our understanding of critical health and wellbeing issues and in shaping the future of the field.”
Professor Eunice Simmons, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Chester, said: “I am delighted to see the establishment of the Health and Wellbeing Research and Knowledge Exchange Institute. This innovative initiative showcases our dedication to advancing the field of health and wellbeing and fostering a engaging environment for researchers to work on some cutting edge projects.
“The Institute represents a unique opportunity to drive impactful research, and I am confident that it will play a pivotal role in wider work we undertake across the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society to make a positive impact to the lives of people within Chester and beyond.”


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