Plan to replace farmhouse with energy efficient dwelling


A PLAN to demolish an existing farmhouse and replace it with a new, more sustainable energy efficient dwelling at Appleton have been submitted to Warrington planning chiefs.

The scheme, put forward by Mr Sean McCormick, involves a dwelling at New Farm, Arley Road, Appleton.

Although the existing house has only three bedrooms and the proposed new one would have five, the building would occupy the same footprint as the existing property.
The site consists of a number of dwellings, barns, stables, horse paddocks and a large hard standing parking area. The proposed development would involve the demolition of one residential property on the existing footprint and the rest of the site would be unaffected.
It is surrounded by farmland and horse paddocks and fields with well-maintained hedgerows.
The new house would have a basement and will be more sustainable than the existing, and would be carbon neutral making it energy efficient.
Access would be from Arley Road.
Warrington Borough Council planning officers are now considering the proposals.


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