Councillors urged to put an end to long-running saga of a disused rugby pitch


COUNCILLORS at Warrington will be asked tomorrow (Wednesday) to put an end to the long-running saga of a disused rugby pitch.

An application by Warrington Rugby Union Club for new floodlights and changing facilities at the pitch in Bridge Lane, Appleton is to come before the borough council’s development management committee – with an officers’ recommendation that it be approved.

The ground has been lying idle for years since the original clubhouse was damaged by fire and later demolished.
It still has floodlighting, but the club – who currently play their homes games at Warrington Sports Club, Walton Lea – say they are not fit for purpose
They want to install new flooding lighting and shipping containers for storage and changing facilities.

Over the years, the ground has been plagued by anti-social behaviour. Police have often been called to deal with disturbances.
If the club’s application is approved, they plan to re-develop the ground and use it for both training and matches
There are no objections to the scheme, although Appleton Parish Council has expressed concern about the impact of the floodlighting and car movements on nearby houses.
Two members of the public support the application but are concerned about the appearance of the shipping containers.
Warrington RUFC has about 350 members, from pre-school age to adults, from all over the borough.
Its main ground will continue to be at Warrington Sports Club.
There are currently no buildings on the five-acre site Bridge Lane site.
The rugby ground is held on a long lease from Warrington Borough Council.
Warrington R.U.F.C. was founded in 1923. It was based at Bridge Lane until the clubhouse fire when it moved to Walton Lea.


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