Trans Pennine Trail to close for improvement schemes


A SECTION of the Trans Pennine Trail at Lymm is to be closed for about six months from Monday (March 6) to enable footway and cycleway improvement schemes and for clearance of vegetation.

Warrington Borough Council has made an Order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to enable the closure between Whitbarrow Road and Camsley Lane to take place.

Local Cllr. Graham Gowland said: “This investment in active travel will make it easier for people to use the trail, as well as opening it up for equestrian use. Sustrans has done great work securing the funding, and hopefully, the route will be further improved into Warrington.”

The Order will be effective from March 6 for six months but the work will be carried out in phases.
Phase 1: from Whitbarrow Road to Barsbank Lane (vegetation clearance); Phase 2:
from Barsbank Lane to Camsley Lane (vegetation clearance); Phase 3 from Whitbarrow Road to Camsley Lane (phased construction works), however the works are weather dependent so will be in place as and when signed on site. Access will be under the control of the relevant Contractor for the duration of the works.
Alternative routes will be available as follows: Phase 1 via Whitbarrow Road,
Statham Avenue, Barsbank Lane and vice versa; Phase 2 via Barsbank Lane, Booth’s Hill Road, CamsleyLane and vice versa; Phase 3 via Whitbarrow Road, Statham Avenue, Barsbank Lane, Booth’s Hill Road, Camsley Lane and vice versa.


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