Orange Grove is “Outstanding” says Ofsted


WARRINGTON-based Orange Grove Foster Care North West are celebrating after being awarded their third consecutive “Outstanding” Ofsted results.

Orange Grove was assessed at the end of 2022, and supports children and young people across the north west who are in need of a loving home.
The agency received an outstanding result overall, with “good” in all other areas.
The Ofsted report commended the agency on providing an excellent quality of warm and nurturing care, enabling children to settle quickly and establish healthy routines.
Ofsted’s report said: “The staff demonstrate a real commitment to children and foster carers. As a small, stable team, they know children and carers well and have well-established and positive relationships.
“Foster carers responding to a request for written feedback during inspection were, without exception, extremely positive about the agency.”

An Orange Grove foster parent said: “If it wasn’t for the support I got as a new foster carer at the start of the pandemic, I might have given up.”
Heather Sheridan has been the registered manager at Orange Grove t for more than 12 years.
She said: “We’re so pleased to have achieved Outstanding in our Ofsted inspection which is a credit to our amazing young people and foster parents – it means even more that this is now our third in a row.
“As we get inspected a minimum of every three years, this means that we have been officially outstanding for almost a decade.
“Our long-standing team is unwaveringly dedicated to providing positive outcomes for the children we support, and we can’t wait to see what else we can achieve together.”
There are currently more than 80,000 children in care in the UK and more foster parents are urgently needed to help look after these children.
Orange Grove is currently looking for foster parents to join the team and is inviting those interested to get in touch with them.
If you would like to find out more about Orange Grove Foster Care or how to become a foster parent, visit the website here, or call the enquiries team on 0800 369 8513.


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