Charlotte set to fulfil her career ambitions


A PASSION for helping children get the best support in life has led a soon-to-be Master’s graduate to achieve a distinction and fulfil her career dreams.

Charlotte Brophy, 32, from Warrington, is now working as a Children’s Social Worker and will graduate with a Master’s degree in Social Work in March at a University of Chester ceremony in Chester Cathedral.

Charlotte studied for both her BA in Early Childhood Studies and her Master’s at University Centre Warrington. She joined the University as a mature student through Clearing and during her undergraduate studies she met Dr Chandrika Devarakonda who she credits for “extending my passion for learning”

Despite the challenges of juggling a busy family life alongside her studies, Charlotte gained a first-class honours degree which paved the way for her Master’s journey.
She said: “After trying lots of different types of work I always felt like something was missing. I now feel like I am on the right path and always look forward to coming to work each day and I think that’s how you know you are doing the right job for you!
“I feel so grateful and privileged I get to work with children and families and support them to make a difference to their lives. To think that I am a social worker employed full-time with a local authority is something I could never have imagined.
“I was worried about being a mature student and having a family alongside my studies, but it has all been worth it and I feel we have more security for our future.
“I once read a quote which resonated with me which read ‘the time will pass anyway’ and I think this really embodies the spirit of making the most of opportunities that are available to you and that is it never too late. The University of Chester will help you to have a clear plan of what you need to do to get to where you want to be!”
Dr Chandrika Devarakonda, Associate Professor in the University’s School of Education, said: “Charlotte is an incredible example of how hard work, commitment and a determination to succeed can reap dividends. We are extremely proud of all her achievements.”


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