Police address key issues in their communities


POLICE from across Warrington and Cheshire boosted efforts to address key issues in their communities during Neighbourhood Policing Week.

They were aided by the Special Constabulary during the week of action, which ended on Sunday.

Officers, PCSOs, Specials and staff members carried out a wide range of engagement, prevention, protection, and enforcement activities across Cheshire’s nine Local Policing Units (LPUs) to address areas of concern raised by local residents.

Chief Superintendent Peter Crowcroft, head of Local Policing, said: “Effective neighbourhood policing is one of our main priorities and our success in this area is one of the reasons why Cheshire is among the safest places to live, work and visit in the country.
“Neighbourhood Policing Week is a celebration of local, community and neighbourhood policing, and we have a lot to celebrate in that regard.
“We marked the week of action by engaging with a large number of residents, either in person or through our local social media accounts, about the extensive work we are doing to make the county even safer.
“We also carried out extensive prevention and enforcement activities across Cheshire, with a particular focus on addressing what residents consider to be key issues within their communities.
“I would like to thank the LPUs and the Special Constabulary for all the fantastic work they did during the national week of action, and we will now look to build on that work. As a force, we are committed to preventing crime and ASB – making our county a hostile environment for criminals, and we will continue to relentlessly target those suspected of wrongdoing.
“I urge anyone who has any concerns in the neighbourhoods – whether that be about anti-social behaviour, drug-related activity, or any other type of crime – to get in touch with us via the website, and we will do the rest.”

Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer, said: “The Constabulary has dedicated Neighbourhood Policing Teams who work extremely hard to keep their communities safe, and engage with them and support them every day.
“Neighbourhood Policing Week provides an opportunity to shine a spotlight on them and highlight some of the great work they do to keep everyone safe.
“Engaging with communities and tackling speeding and anti-social behaviour are all key areas of work, and these issues are regularly brought to my attention.
“The action that was taken during the week should provide reassurance to communities across Cheshire that their concerns will be acted upon and improve public confidence in policing.”


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