Mayor urges people to unite against hate on National Holocaust Memorial Day


MAYOR of Warrington, Cllr Jean Flaherty, is urging everyone to stand together today (Jan 27) against hatred on Holocaust Memorial Day.

The national commemorations take place each year on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. It is a day for everyone to remember the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution, and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.
The theme of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day is ‘ordinary people’, reflecting that it was ordinary people who were involved in all aspects of the Holocaust, and in genocides that have followed – as perpetrators, bystanders, rescuers, witnesses – and victims.
Ordinary people were also the ones who made brave decisions to rescue, to hide or stand up. But ordinary people also made decisions to ignore what was going on around them, to be bystanders, to allow the genocide to continue.

Cllr Flaherty said: “Holocaust Memorial Day is a time for everyone to remember the millions of people who were murdered during the Holocaust and in other genocides across the world.
“It gives us the opportunity to reflect on the suffering of all those who endured the horrors of genocide, and to honour the survivors and all those whose lives were changed beyond recognition.
“It also gives us the opportunity to look to a brighter future, by uniting, celebrating our diverse communities and making a pledge to stand together against hatred, on this day, and every day.
“This year’s theme of ‘ordinary people’ is a reminder that we all have a part to play in challenging prejudice and the language of hatred. Together, we can ensure we learn the lessons of the past, and work together for a safer, better future for everyone.”

Each year, people from across the UK take part in a national moment for Holocaust Memorial Day. At 4pm on January 27, people all over the nation light candles and put them safely in their windows to:

  • remember those who were murdered for who they were
  • stand against prejudice and hatred today

For more information on the Holocaust Memorial Trust, visit


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