Last day to have a say on the cost of the police


TOMORROW is the last day to have a say on the Cheshire police precept – the amount you will pay towards the cost of policing next year.

But you have only got until midday Tuesday) – and you will have to complete Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer’s survey at:
It’s the Commissioner’s job to set the police budget and hold the Chief Constable to account for how the police service protects Cheshire’s communities, and Mr Dwyer is keen to get people’s views from Warrington and every corner of the county.

He said: “People expect their police service to be easily contactable, arrive in good time when you need them, and proactively catch criminals so justice for victims can be delivered. The Constabulary has improved on all of these measures in recent times and I want to set a police budget that protects this progress.
“I am also aware of the pressures on families, businesses, and the police service itself as a result of the wider economic challenges facing our country. That’s why I don’t take my responsibility to set the police precept lightly, and I want to hear from as many people as possible.”
“Please do take two minutes to share your views with me.”

Answers to frequently asked questions about the police budget and survey are available at:


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