Less than a week to have a say on the cost of the police


THERE is now less than a week for Warrington residents to have their say on policing priorities for the coming year and the level of the police precept – the part of Council Tax that funds Cheshire Constabulary.

You can complete Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer’s survey before midday on Tuesday, January 24 at: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/policebudget202324

Mr Dwyer said: “I know people have strong views on policing in their community and the support they get from our police service. From bringing call waiting times down to improving incident attendance times and arrest rates, Cheshire Constabulary has seen a number of significant improvements in recent months and over the past year.
“Through the budget I set, I want the Constabulary to be able to maintain these improvements and focus on key areas that matter. To do that, I need feedback from as many people as possible about their priorities for the police over the next year and what level the police precept should be set at.”
“Time is running out to have your say so please do complete my survey as soon as you can.”

Answers to frequently asked questions about the police budget and survey are available at: www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/what-the-commissioner-does/setting-the-police-budget/budget-2023-24
To request a hard copy of the survey, email [email protected]


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