£2.93-a-year council tax increase for average Birchwood householder


BIRCHWOOD Town Council is to increase its precept – the local portion of the Council Tax – by just over £2.93 a year on an average Band D property.

This works out at about six pence a week and brings the tax on a Band D property to £120.12 for the coming financial year.

Clare Caddock, deputy-clerk to the council and Responsible Finance Officer, said: “Members of the Town Council are acutely mindful of the current increasing demands on our residents regarding the cost of living and have therefore not increased the local portion of the Council Tax more than they think is absolutely necessary (2.5per cent) – well below the rate of inflation of over 11 per cent as it was in December 2022.
“The funding received by the Town Council will be allocated to cover general inflation in operational costs and the cost of services supplied to the town council and will enable Birchwood Town Council to continue to provide the current level of services within the area, including the additional grass cuts between those undertaken by the borough council.“

A precept requirement of £376,816.00 has been submitted to the borough council by Birchwood Town Council for the 2023/2024 financial year.


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