Baby fair offers help for new and expectant parents


A NEW event aimed at new and expectant parents in the South Warrington area will take place on Saturday, January 21.

The South Warrington Baby Fair is a free event and will be held at Appleton Parish Hall from 2-4 pm.

More than 18 small businesses will be exhibiting, making the event a great opportunity for new families to see what services and support is available and also meet the people who run them. Exhibitors include midwifery care, baby and toddler classes, women’s health and children’s physios, infant first aid, sonography, keepsakes, handmade baby clothes, sling library, baby photography, naming celebrant, maternal fitness, and much more – all under one roof.
The fair is being organised by Melanie Clough and Susan Kemp.

Melanie is a registered midwife and owner of Mum’s the Word, offering antenatal and postnatal care and breastfeeding support. Susan runs Appleton Baby Massage, providing baby massage and baby yoga classes.
The idea behind the event was born when both felt there needed to be more to enhance what support is already open to new parents in the area.
“The response from local businesses wanting to be involved has been astounding. We are delighted that so many were on board and eager to participate” said Melanie.
“The women-led businesses involved are intrinsic to the local economy whilst being at the heart of the community, and this should be celebrated”, Susan added.
“Not only are our independent businesses passionate about what they do, they offer much-needed service and support for new mums and dads.”
Tea and cakes will be available, with any profit donated to the Tommy’s Baby Charity, who fund research into miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.
People can register their attendance via


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