Santa fails in bid to get planters removed – but council bosses show some Christmas spirit!


UPDATED: WARRINGTON’S very own Father Christmas has failed in a bid to get the Borough Council to remove temporary planters blocking Grange Avenue, to allow a Santa fund-raising float to pass freely around their community – although council bosses are showing some Christmas spirit!

While refusing to remove the planters following an appeal by Santa and residents of Westy and Latchford, the council’s chief executive’s office has agreed to make a personal donation to Warrington Lions’ charity appeal.

The planters were put in place by Warrington Council in June 2022 and have caused daily traffic jams and pollution across Latchford, Grappenhall and Orford, according to local campaigners.

Warrington Residents Opposition to the Central 6 Street Plan had called on “Council bosses need to show some Christmas spirit by removing their planters to allow Santa up and down Grange Avenue. They also need to be removed to relieve the traffic jams which they are causing. No one wants to be stuck in Christmas traffic or a cloud of pollution caused by the Grange Avenue planters.”

Warrington Lions’ Club Santa sleigh has been visiting Latchford and Warrington neighbourhoods for more than 30 years.

Warrington Lion President and local Father Christmas Tony Gandy, said: “Warrington Lions is a charitable organisation that tours the streets of Latchford, and all funds raised are used for local charities in the local area. We raise between £8,000-£9,000 a year. So we need the support of residents but also Warrington Borough Council so we can continue to raise much-needed funds to continue the work of Warrington Lions.”

While insisting it is a trial project Warrington Borough Council has placed planters in the middle of roads as part of its Central 6 Low Traffic Scheme. Despite daily traffic jams, pollution and massive negative community feedback the council has refused to remove the Grange Avenue Planters.

A community campaign continues to call for the scheme to be honest about its failings and the damage to health the increased pollution is causing. More than 6,000 people belong to a group that works to remove the planters while hundreds have completed surveys and turned up to protest at Council meetings.

A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “No one wants to disrupt Santa from doing his job, and we wish the fundraising team all the best this festive season. Unfortunately, Santa’s non-polluting sleigh will have to make a detour this year, due to the low-traffic neighbourhood trial.
“However, the council chief executive’s office will be making a personal donation to the Warrington Lions to support them with their efforts in raising money for local charities.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Given their current state of unpopularity, you’d think a Christmas gesture of goodwill to all men (and women and children) might show they have a charitable side – but I’ll not hold my breath!

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