Lymm Village Future Vision winners revealed


THE winners of Lymm Parish Council’s Lymm Village Future Vision Exhibition have been announced.

Winner was Sebestian Cowley, a student at Lymm High School, with his imaginative Sunken Water Garden, while pupils from Cherry Tree Primary School came runners-up with their fantastic model. Third was Lymm High student Danny Cornwall with his 3-D CAD design of the Sunken Garden Rejuvenation.

This summer, Lymm Parish Council invited young people across the village schools to submit entries to Lymm Village Future Vision Exhibition. The concept was to generate fresh ideas for how Lymm’s young people imagine a village of the future. The exhibition was hosted at Lymm Heritage Centre during November.

More than 20 entries were submitted and the quality of the work was exemplary. The ideas ranged from transforming the sunken garden into a play area, a community garden complete with water features and lighting driven by the Lower Dam, amphitheatre with performing arts platform and sculpture, sails overhead for shelter, to better village signage, electric charge points, cycle lock-ups, wider pavements for safer pedestrian access whilst facilitating an outdoor cafe society lifestyle. Entries were submitted in a wide range of art mediums.
Local experts, Keven Lester from Architects CB3, Paul Beckmann, from Landscape Architects Agathoclis Beckmann Ltd and Michael Taylor, owner of 18 The Cross and The Wine Kitchen, representing Lymm Traders Association, were the three judges.

The winning entries in order were:
First: Sebastian Cowley, Lymm High, shown holding his winning entry, the highly imaginative Sunken Water Garden.
Second: Jess Howcroft, Anna Davies, Mimi Denton, Summer-Bleu Taylor, Freya Antondlii, Lauren Caton, Year 6 pupils from Cherry Tree School who submitted a fantastic model.
Third: Danny Cornwall, Lymm High for his 3-D CAD drawing entitled Sunken Garden Rejuvenation.

All entrants received a signed Participation Certificate from one of the three judges.

Keven commented “It was great to be involved in this event. The number and variety of submissions was really impressive and the students all produced interesting and thought-provoking designs. It was obvious that a lot of effort went into producing the work and it is very encouraging that so many wanted to be involved in the future of the village. The approaches varied from highly analytical studies to free-form creative/emotive responses and there was plenty to discuss which made it very difficult to judge.”
The public was also welcomed to make comments in the Bright Ideas Book. Lymm Parish Council will now start the process of cataloguing the work and will consider how these ideas might be capitalised on.
Cllr Steve Towndrow, who helped organise the event, thanked the schools, pupils, judges and Lymm Heritage Centre for contributing to an outstanding event that will help shape the future of Lymm as we move forward into the 21st century.


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Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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