Priestley College footballers raise the bar


PRIESTLEY College footballers continue to show they are leagues ahead of their competitors after securing eight places in the county squad.

Six of those selected for the Cheshire Schools U18s were also called up for England trials including first-year, Joe Sacharewicz, who made the final round.
Priestley’s first team captain Elliot Whalley, who studies A-Level PE and BTEC Business, said their success was down to the professionalism instilled at the college.
“Our coaches really put the time in,” said the former Culcheth High pupil.
“They have prepared diet plans for all of us and always keep us grounded and working hard.”

Priestley’s success on the pitch has built in recent years under the guidance of Dan Jordan, head of the Football Academy, and former professional academy coach Josh Greaves.
Last year they won the North West College’s leagues one and two and reached the national final, losing narrowly 2-1 in a match played at Doncaster Rovers’ stadium.

Declan Scallan, who also plays in Priestley’s first team, said: “We want to go one step further this year and win the whole thing.
“We have a lot of talented footballers here at Priestley, but we also have personality and you need that at the trials to help you stand out.”
Priestley are well positioned to make another tilt at this year’s league titles and face Cardinal Newman College in the next round of the national cup.
“I’m thoroughly enjoying my football at Priestley,” said Joe, who is studying BTEC Sport.
“The coaches treat you with respect and that’s why we are doing so well.”


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