Dream role for Warrington Wolves fan


A RUGBY fan who studies Media and Journalism at Priestley College has landed his dream role reporting on Warrington Wolves.

Sean Spencer – who hasn’t missed a Wolves match since he was four-years-old – has been reporting for the club’s website and live via their official Twitter account.
“It is a dream role for me,” said Sean, who is 17. “I’ve been a Wolves fan most of my life and have barely missed a game since I was four so to be getting this experience is amazing.”
Sean, a former Cardinal Newman Catholic High School pupil, was first asked to look after the social media feeds for the Warrington Wolves Development Academy, which is run in partnership with Priestley College.
He impressed so much that he was asked to write for the Warrington Wolves matchday programme, their website and has even reported live from matches via the Wire’s official twitter feed.
His blog is full of high-profile match reports and features including one that focussed on the Wolves players competing in the Rugby League World Cup.
“The best moment so far was seeing my first article published by Wolves with my name on it and it getting good numbers,” said Sean.
“Live match reporting is tough, but gets easier with experience.”

Sean was introduced to rugby by his dad when he was just four. He hasn’t missed a Wolves match since.
His passion for Warrington Wolves means he would love to work for them full-time after finishing at Priestley College, but Sean also has his sights set on a job abroad one day.
“My dream is to one day work in Australia,” he said. “I follow all the matches week in, week out, so it would be great to work there.”


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