Disused care home earmarked for new development with roof-top garden


PLANS to demolish an old and disused care home at Culcheth and replace it with nine new houses and a six-bed care facility have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council.

The proposals by Twiss Green Barns Ltd, of Culcheth, involve the demolition of the former Radcliffe Meadows Nursing Home in Twiss Green Lane on brownfield land near the former Newchurch Hospital.
They seek to make use of a previously developed site currently in a poor condition by delivering a new, high-quality residential development offering a significant enhance to the built environment.

Warrington Borough Council planners have been told the existing nursing home building is in a deteriorating condition, contains asbestos and is unsafe to survey.
The new, two-storey care facility will provide high-quality accommodation to meet modern care standards and provide a good level of residential amenity for future occupants. It will have a roof-top garden.

The proposed new houses have been designed with regard to ntional space standards and there will be safe vehicular and pedestrian access to the site with no negative impact on the highway network. A suitable level of parking will be provided on the site.
If the scheme is approved, the new care facility would be operated by Warrington Community Living, a local charity that supports people with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, older people, people with dementia and people experiencing mental health issues.

A development on adjacent land completed in 2020


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